Who Do You Say He Is?

He is the Messiah, the Son of the living God

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Does God listen to our prayers?

Recently I started going on regular prayer walks to spend time with the Lord. I’ve been desiring to hear God’s voice more clearly and these times of prayer have been helping me to do that. I have never heard God’s voice audibly. I hear God’s voice in my mind and my spirit. The video below shares a testimony of a very clear answer to a request I made on one of my prayer walks. I simply asked God to confirm to me, in some way, that the conversation we had that day was not just in my imagination. I wanted to know that He had heard me and that I had heard Him. God did not disappoint!

Video includes text to read and some voice audio in the middle.
Same video with a voice over that reads the text.
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Who is this man really?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many religions that include Jesus yet each one has a completely different belief system? Since I grew up in a Christian home, I was raised with one perspective about who Jesus is. It wasn’t until after college, when I began to follow Jesus, that I started talking to people of other religious backgrounds about what they believed. I’ve had conversations with Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses where I thought we were on the same page about who Jesus is, but only after extensive discussion did I realize our beliefs were different on a fundamental level. On the moral and religious surface we looked and sounded the same in many ways (apart from some religious practices). However, as to the identity of Jesus Christ and His redemptive plan, we were miles apart.

Over the years I have become interested in what other religions believe about Jesus and that is why I write this blog. Most of us are ignorant as to what others believe. We teach tolerance or relativism and go on our merry way. My logical brain doesn’t like that answer. One religion teaches Jesus is the one true God; another that He is an angel; another that He is Lucifer’s brother; another that He is just a prophet; another that He is one of many gods; another that He was a heretical teacher. I don’t care what you say, He can’t be all of these.

So why are there so many differing views, don’t we all share the same historical information about Jesus? Well … yes and no. Most religions that include Jesus consider the New Testament, or at least the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) as part of their scriptures. However, many of these religions have additional more recent and “more accurate” texts that help define their beliefs. I really don’t want to get into the extra-Biblical texts much, but prefer to focus on Jesus’ words and claims in the common text.

In this blog, I’d like to look at what some religions believe about Jesus. Who do they claim Jesus is, and why do they believe it? For starters, we’ll look at Judaism. What was God’s plan for Israel as written in the Old Testament? Why do most Jews not believe Jesus was the promised Messiah? As a Christian, where do I see Jesus in the Old Testament story and prophecies? We’ll also look at Islam which was started about 600 years after Jesus graced the earth. Did you know Muslims believe Jesus was a great prophet who never sinned? We’ll look at what Islam believes about Jesus and try to understand why there is such animosity between Muslims and Christians. We’ll also look at Jehovah’s Witnesses, Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and nominal Christians (those who call themselves Christian but don’t live as followers of Christ). Hopefully some of you will dialog with me through this blog and we’ll go where the conversations take us.

Since there are divisions even within religions about what they believe, I’ll have to speak generally, but ultimately I’d like you to examine what you believe. Don’t take my word for it, seek the truth for yourself.  To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31–32 (NIV84)

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